People as the driving force behind the development of our Company

Our people are this Company’s greatest asset. Our commitment is to have professionals specialized in the electricity industry to provide quality service. As a result, this year we have been working hard on a Diversity Management system, among other things:

Ch $630

million invested in
training for our
employees millones

  • New Diversity and Inclusion Policy
  • Overall reduction in the pay gap
  • Average of 50.87 hours of training per person
  • 5.9 years is the average tenure of female employees
  • 9.9 years is the average tenure of male employees
  • Zero occupational diseases between 2022 and 2023
  • 0% employee accident rate
  • 0% employee loss rate
  • Zero Fatalities
  • 100% of our employees are covered by the occupational health and safety system
  • One internal audit and two external audits (Safety Culture Assessment)